About us

spaciousWe are licensed for 110 children, spread throughout four beautiful areas.

Whakanui 'to treat with respect'
Up to 9 children from birth to one
One teacher to every two/three children

Puawai ‘to blossom’
Children from one to two
One teacher to every three children

Atawhai 'to show kindness'
Up to 42 two to five year olds
One teacher to every seven children

Manaaki 'to take care of'
Up to 42 two to five year olds
One teacher to every seven children

All four areas are designed with our children firmly in mind, very well resourced, spacious, warm and inviting. We ensure all of our resources are well maintained, up to date and provide a challenge for children no matter what their age or stage of learning. Our outdoor environments are simply amazing, incredibly spacious, beautifully natural and reflective of our New Zealand heritage.


spaciousWe are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 3pm and cater for full or part-time.

Governance Board

The overall governance of Swannanoa Preschool is the responsibility of the Preschool Governance Board. The Centre Manager has responsibility for the daily running of the preschool. Read more about the Governance Board under the 'More Info' tab.

Daily Fees

$27.00 - 9.00 am to 3.00 pm:   No optional extras.

spaciousSwannanoa Preschool offers 20 hours Free ECE to all eligible 3, 4 and 5 year olds. A fantastic benefit to a large number of our preschool families.

Payment of Fees

Fees are to be paid two weeks in advance. As the centre is closed for three weeks at Christmas, there is no charge over this time. There is no fee charged for Public Holidays.

Each child is entitled to 2 weeks holiday, where no fees will be charged, provided one weeks prior notice of absence is given. 

If a child is absent through illness, a 50% discount will be given. To be entitled to this parents must phone informing of the child's absence prior to 8.30am.